The Midterm Questions
The Midterm Answer Sheet
The Midterm Answer Key
E.L. Haynes Physics Midterm Review
The format of the physics midterm will be a test with a question for each standard that we have covered for the first semester. If a student has a score of 4 on a standard then they do not need to answer that question for that standard on the midterm. If they have a score of 1, 2, or 3 for a standard, then they do need answer that question. Whatever scores from the midterm that are higher than their previous gradebook score will trump their previous grade. The midterm can only help the students. Their grade can only go up- and go up significantly if they improve their scores on most of the standards. This is an huge opportunity for students to show mastery of the physics standards we have covered so far this school year.
Periods 3 and 6 will have their midterm on Tuesday, January 10th. Periods 2 and 4 will have their midterm on Wednesday, January 11th. Periods 1 and 5 will have their midterms Thursday, January 12th.
Periods 3 and 6 will have their midterm on Tuesday, January 10th. Periods 2 and 4 will have their midterm on Wednesday, January 11th. Periods 1 and 5 will have their midterms Thursday, January 12th.